[Resolved] Menu stays open

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Menu stays open

Home Forums Support Menu stays open

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    Current versions of WP, GP plugin and theme.

    Please read the whole thing before looking at issue. The last sentence is interesting.

    I’ve searched all over and I don’t see this simple issue. My normal menu in a site I am converting stays open if the selection opens a new tab with a PDF. Strange combination.

    See https://marleep.com (will change later). Click Camp 2. Menu drops. Click Group Camping. (These may have changed, because this is in flux – but try a combo and you will find it). The menu choice is set to “Open in new tab”.

    So it opens the PDF in a new tab. Now click on the original tab, going back to the website, and the Camp 2 drop down menu is still dropped. Click on the menu top selection next to it, like Camp 1, and this menu drops, but the original one Camp 2 is still dropped. Now there are two dropped.


    Looking at it again, I see that if you select any menu choice by right-clicking and selecting “Open in new tab” for example, it opens it, and if you go back to the original tab, the menu is still open/

    *** In my other websites, not GP, it releases the menu when you lose focus. In GP when you come back and move your mouse, it no longer respects the focus. I notice it does this on your own wevsite geneneratepress.com. Right click on a help menu choice and pick open in new tab. It does, but when you hover on the original page, the menu does not get your hover and the help menu is still open.

    I am in chrome, win 10, but it soes it in Foxpro also.

    Thanks guys.

    JB Leep

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    This happens because the menu item is still in focus when you come back to the site. Does the sub-menu close if you click elsewhere on the page?

    This focused state is important, as it allows people to navigate your menu items using the tab key. This is especially important for accessibility.

    If you need to lose focus on click, we can try some javascript?

    Let me know ๐Ÿ™‚


    Ok, thanks, Tom. Now looking a little deeper, I see that on my site-in-progress, marleep.com, I hover over the top and it drops. On your site (generatepress) you have to click the top level. So there is a setting that is different. Where is that setting?

    In any case, maybe you are not seeing the bug I am seeing. Let me describe it again. You click on a top level drop menu, and then right click on a selection and open in a new tab. Go over there. Come back to the original tab and the menu is still dropped down. Hover over another top level drop down and now you have two menus down. This is not a feature, isn’t it a bug? The movement from hover focus should collapse the dropped menu.

    Sorry to dwell on it. I’m going to look for that setting.



    Thanks Tom.

    Well I don’t know about accessibility, but I don’t think you’re seeing the bug. On a PC, if you right click on a dropped-down menu selection and pick open in new tab or window, if you then switch back to the original tab the menu is still dropped. If you then click on another top level menu, the original menu stays dropped and you have two dropped menus.

    I have to find the setting where it does not drop when you hover….. This is how it is on your site.

    If what I am saying is the fact, then that’s a bug, not a feature. Am I incorrect on what I am seeing?

    I deactivated Menu Plus and it does not do it. I don’t know what “menu plus” gives me….



    So I found and turned off the hover feature. The drop menu stays dropped, but you have to click to move so it disappears now. That’s how you use yours so it is not really present in your site. But anyway, if you have hover on and try what I said, I think there’s a bug. I haven’t turned off all plugins etc. So It’s up to you if you want to chase it.

    I just need to move on and if the customer wants the hover drop I’ll have to chase it down then.



    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    If you then click on another top level menu, the original menu stays dropped and you have two dropped menus.

    Actually clicking on another menu item should close the previously clicked item. For example: https://www.loom.com/share/a913d86d076a42b685262f4c697fb3cf

    However, hovering over another item will keep the previously clicked item open, as it’s still in focus.

    If you want to prevent that, you can try adding this CSS:

    .dropdown-hover.using-mouse .main-navigation:not(.toggled) ul li.sfHover:not(:hover) > ul {
        left: -99999px;
        opacity: 0;
        height: 0;
        pointer-events: none;

    I know you don’t know me, Tom, and I am not an expert in these languages, but I have been a programmer for more than 45 years. Maybe after a while you will take notice of my comments, taking into consideration my experience. I ran a software company for 20 years. Then, maybe you’ll dig a little deeper when I comment on something. I am not getting the response I am after, which is for you to see the bug I am talking about. It is truly a bug that if you saw it, you would take notice. I will send in a screen shot if I can figure out how, or if you want to email me at jbleep9@gmail.com, I’ll send it in an email. Or maybe talk.

    On the other hand, it could be a plugin conflict that I have not found yet. Or I’m making a mistake. I have never seen this thing before. I have to get the project done, and then, I will go back and see if I can find the cause. I will also try your CSS fix.

    Thanks for your attention.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    It’s possible that I’m misunderstanding – I’m definitely not perfect. Is the video I made not what you’re experiencing? Please feel free to shoot us a couple of screenshots if you’d like: support@generatepress.com


    Checking it…


    Sending you a capture….at support@

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Just watched the video and it looks like the same issue that I took a video of above.

    Did you try the CSS I mentioned?


    Yes I did and it did not work in that if I dropped a menu and right clicked on a choice, it did not give me the normal right click menu of “Open in a new tab”… It was as if it had already lost the info in the selected menu choice, not knowing the context any more, and so gave me a right click menu for an object like a jpg instead of a url. So I really couldn’t test it.

    It did solve the focus problem, I think.

    The thing is that I drop menus and open the choice in another window all the time. Maybe the average user going to camp (Camp El-O-Win California) does not.

    I plan to leave it till later since it works most of the time for an average user, and then come back to see what combination I can use that gives me what I want.

    To an extent, I was trying to get you to recognize that there is an issue, which you do.

    I don’t know what to do, but I have to move on. I am not capable of debugging javascript at the knowledge level you are writing it. I appreciate your effort.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Ah yea, sorry about that. I just adjusted the CSS above if you get time to give it a shot: https://generatepress.com/forums/topic/menu-stays-open/#post-909220


    Yep that seems to do the trick. Plus it works cleaner on tablet. Thanks so much for your follow up. Well done.

    JB Leep

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Glad I could help! ๐Ÿ™‚

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