[Resolved] Full width SIDEBAR above content area

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Full width SIDEBAR above content area

Home Forums Support Full width SIDEBAR above content area

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  • #417238

    Hi All, Apologies in advance if there is a solution buried somewhere in the forums but I just cannot find it.

    I am looking to create a “sidebar” area above the content area and it is to be full width.

    In this sidebar I want to place a simple image but it is an image common to all pages. instead of adding the image to each page as i go i would like the image to be in this sidebar stretching across the width of the page.

    Here is a link to a page with the map of the world manually inserted into content area. this map is to be in the sidebar. http://bitlabs.biz/

    thanks in advance.

    Customer Support

    Hi Alan,

    If I understand this correctly, you can try using the after header hook:

    Let me know ๐Ÿ™‚


    Hi Leo,

    thanks for the reply, and I am trying this for the last
    2 hours but I am really chasing my tail and it seems I
    am digging a hole and its getting deeper.

    I have the hooks plugin installed from GP-premium but
    now I find myself trying to decypher how to use Hooks
    and find a bit of code to insert the image.

    Thanks again


    so i have added this code >>

    add_action( ‘your_hook_name’,’example_function_name’ );
    function example_function_name() { ?>
    Insert your hook contents in here.
    <?php }

    and this is what I have edited it to >>

    add_action( ‘before_content_space’,’insert_into_before_content_space’ );
    function insert_into_before_content_space() { ?>
    Insert your hook contents in here.
    <?php }

    but everything after the header dissapears!

    should there be something in the brackets after “insert_into_before_content_space”

    so if I want to add the image into the “space before the content”
    I am guessing I use this >>

    add_action( ‘before_content_space’,’insert_into_before_content_space’ );
    function insert_into_before_content_space() { ?>

    <?php }


    Customer Support

    Shouldn’t use the code. The hook is included in the dashboard.

    So head to Appearance > GP Hooks > After Header, then just add in the image like this:
    <img src="http://URL-HERE">


    perfect Leo, thanks that has worked a treat.

    I now need to insert a text overlay on this image so
    whatever slider i use a shortcode can be inserted under
    the img src code?

    Customer Support

    Nope shortcode can go directly into hooks. No image tag needed.


    ok thanks Leo !!

    Customer Support

    No problem!


    Hi Leo,

    another Q, I would like to add some padding below the image in the hook
    I have tried adding some code but of course it doesnt work.
    I need professional help with this small matter!

    Regards, A

    Customer Support

    Try this in hook:

    <div class="hook-image">
        <img src="http://URL-HERE">

    Then use CSS to style it:

    .hook-image {
        padding-bottom: 10px;

    Adding CSS: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/adding-css/


    and again, perfect!, thanks leo.

    I just changed it to add padding to a slider.

    Customer Support

    No problem!


    and again more Q’s

    i am struggling to make a slider in the above hook full width.
    I tried some css in the child style sheet

    Hook code

    <?php if ( ! is_page( 35 ) ) : ?>
    <huge_it_slider id="3">
    <?php endif; ?>
    <div class="hook-slider">
        <huge_it_slider id="3">

    Style sheet

    .hook-slider {
        padding-bottom: 0px;
       text-align: center;
    width: 100%;
    font-size: 35px;

    any suggestions?


    apologies, I kind have this sorted..

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