[Resolved] Can I edit Footer…?

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Can I edit Footer…?

Home Forums Support Can I edit Footer…?

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  • #1695
    Anders Olsen

    Hi Support

    I just bought the Disable Elements plugin to disable the footer, but what I really wanted, was to edit the footer, is that possible?

    If I want to use a Footer Widget it will still not be visible, unless I uncheck the footer on my page… and then I can still see Footer info that I want to remove, or at least edit…

    Is there anything I can do?

    Kind regards

    Anders Olsen

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Anders,

    The “Copyright” addon allows you to change the content of the footer.

    You can find it here: http://www.generatepress.com/downloads/generate-copyright/

    You can also remove it completely with CSS:

    .site-info {display:none;}


    Anders Olsen

    Hi Tom

    Thanks… I’ll look into it… 🙂



    Hi Tom,

    I’ve purchased the GP Premium package but can’t find where to edit the copyright text, could you confirm where this in the customize settings.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Austin,

    The copyright stuff can be found in “Appearance > GeneratePress”.

    Hope this helps 🙂


    Thanks Tom

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You’re welcome 🙂


    Hi Tom,

    thanks for your description. Because I have the same problem (want to edit footer), I have tried to follow your instruction. But I cant find the right information to edit copyright stuff. Can you please give me some more information, whre I can edit it.



    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Frank,

    If you have the Copyright add-on activated, you can find the box to input your custom text in “Appearance > GeneratePress”.



    I search for change “Copyright © 2015 · GeneratePress · WordPress” to “Copyright © 2015 by Cezone.net” how change that? (GeneretePress can i setup other Place on my site for link your website. But i know i can change this on footer.php in other themes, but i can’t do that in your theme. How can i change that? In this box you have in “Appearance > GeneratePress”?

    Thanks for help!


    Hello again! I have solved the problems

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Glad you got it sorted! 🙂

    Rylan Urban

    Is it possible to add a widget or social media add-on to the footer? I’m looking to add something like a ‘follow us’ and then put some social media buttons there. Not sure how to do that.



    Stacey Usborne
    Customer Support

    Hi Ryan,

    You can try using this free plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/lightweight-social-icons/

    Once you install the icons plugin I linked to above, go to “Appearance > Widgets” and you’ll see it in the left area. Drag it into the Footer widget area on the right, and then add your social profiles.


    Hey Stacey, I see what you mean! But what I’m actually trying to do is put it in the same area as the Copyright. Not above it.


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