[Support request] WP show posts problem, changing sidebar's width @mediaqueries, and more

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Home Forums Support WP show posts problem, changing sidebar's width @mediaqueries, and more

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    Thank you so much Tom, Leo, and other GP’s stuff members for this theme and your great support! I’ve come yet again to ask some questions πŸ˜‰ I’m so grateful for your patience and help! You’re the greatest!

    I have some issues with site I’m now developing. First: I’ve spotted that without page header, on category page, is visible the category description, but with header set it is not, how can I control that?

    I’d also like to change sidebar width % for max-width 1080, from 20% to 25%, ’cause now when I resize under 1080, the arrow from one manu item in the sidebar jumps to the one underneeth πŸ˜€ I’ve tried to figure it out with developer tools, but I only seem to make things disappear…

    Next issue is to have “read more” expand the post rather then taking user to the posts’ single page. I’ve found a plugin Read More Right Here for it but it’s not supported anymore… Is there any fairly easy way to do it that I seem missing in my google search results? πŸ˜›

    I’ve added a background color for titles of the widgets. As they weren’t displaying on full width of the widgets, I counteracted the padding with margin:-20, it works but I wonder if thats ok…?

    Last for now: how to make page header (for example, the one in Konkursy) displaying above content, but next to the sidebar (like featured image in my page “O nas”)?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    1. Can you link me to one of the pages where the archive description isn’t showing up when the page header is set?

    2. You can set the sidebar width % in Customize > Layout > Sidebars. Are you only wanting to increase the width above that specific width?

    3. This would involve some pretty considerable javascript I’m afraid – you may need to hire a contractor if the plugin no longer works.

    4. Yep – that works great πŸ™‚

    5. Try going to Customize > Layout > Page Header – there’s an option to move the page header inside the content. You may need to set the actual Page Header container to contained though.

    Hope this helps πŸ™‚



    1. *.pl/wp2/category/konkursy πŸ™‚ (also, link from the menu Konkursy)

    2.Yes, I want only to increase it on that specific width (max 1080px) – ’cause with bigger screens 20% works great.

    5. It works for pages, but there’s a problem with parallax: header shrinks when scrolling. (ex. *.pl/wp2/kontakt/)
    For categhories it does not work (see Konkursy again) I suspect it has something to do with the lack of featured image… I tried to set inner container for contained and full width but it does not seem to have anny affect.

    Thanks πŸ™‚

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    1. Ah yes, adding the title to the page header will remove it from the standard area. You can add the description into the page header itself using this template tag:


    2. Try this:

    @media (min-width: 1080px) {
        .sidebar.grid-20 {
            width: 25%;
            left: -75%;
        .content-area.grid-75 {
            width: 75%;
            left: 25%;

    This assumes the option is set to 20% by default.

    5. Try moving it like this:

    add_action( 'wp', 'tu_move_archive_page_header', 15 );
    function tu_move_archive_page_header() {
        if ( is_tax() || is_category() || is_tag() ) {
            remove_action( 'generate_after_header','generate_page_header' );
            add_action( 'generate_before_main_content','generate_page_header' );

    The parallax looks weird because the image isn’t tall enough I think.


    Thanks for your reply! The first one works, but how can I make it display next to the h1 title, not under?
    2 and 5 I will test tomorrow, but I’ve added image 3000px x 2000px to the Konkursy’s header and it still shrinks…

    Also, I have problem with WP show posts – it shows “read more” button everywhere, even under full posts… For example: second post on main page */wp2/

    As a totally side note, I think it would be cool if WP show posts would have the deafult styling of the read more button from GP press settings πŸ˜‰

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Any examples of a description sitting next to the <h1>? Can’t picture it.

    You should be able to get the buttons pretty much identical with the WPSP button color settings. New version of WPSP free is coming out tomorrow which removes the rounded corners from the buttons as well.


    1. I still do not know what to do to make WPSP not displaying button “read more” under the FULL POST… it displays always, even if there is no more content to read. Is it just not possible and I have to use only excerpts…? Also, is there a way to change “leave the comment” message? (I’d like to translate it)

    2. For parallax in header: it seems it just do not works when header is within content container. When I check full width in Container, its full width above content and sidebar, and parallax works. I will just resign from parallax.

    3. I am not sure where to put code you gave me to make category header display inside container. Also, front page’s header, when it is set on latests posts (like */wp2/index.php) do not want to sit inside container. I’ve checked personalisation display settings and page header’s settings, and they’re all set for “inside container”. Maybe the code below can also fix that? But where to put it for categories, and where for front page?
    `add_action( ‘wp’, ‘tu_move_archive_page_header’, 15 );
    function tu_move_archive_page_header() {
    if ( is_tax() || is_category() || is_tag() ) {
    remove_action( ‘generate_after_header’,’generate_page_header’ );
    add_action( ‘generate_before_main_content’,’generate_page_header’ );

    4. And for last, a very important question for me: when I set up that front page for just displaying latests posts, how can I make a link to a front page in the menu that will display as active when on front page? This example is on the second version of my page, */wp/index.php instead of /wp2/. I’ve added a link as “my own link” and wrote /wp/index.php, (first link in top menu, called “Aktualnosci”) – link works but do not styles as active. (I mean, when you go to any other link, it styles green while on page the link refers to) I also tried whole address with http://

    Thank you for your help πŸ™‚

    (P.S. I have updated versions GP and WPSP)


    3. I’ve added it using code snippets, it works for categories. What can I do to make the same for main page when set on blog? Also, how to make it have margin-bottom? Right now I just found the solution to style it by page header id. (Example: /wp2/category/konkursy)

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    1. This may be better suited for the WPSP forum. The read more button is added separately, it doesn’t currently care if it’s the excerpt or full post.

    2. I’m happy to check it out if you can link me to an example page.

    3. Not too sure what you mean by the main page? You want the same sort of title for the blog page?

    You could try this:

    .blog .page-header,
    .archive .page-header {
        margin-bottom: 20px;

    4. In the menu area, choose “View All” in the Pages box. At the top will be a “Home” menu item you can add.


    1. Okay, I will post the issue on the WPSP forum, thank you πŸ™‚

    2. The parallax not working within container: (full address is in my first post in private field) *.pl/wp2/category/konkursy (link “Konkursy” in the top menu). The parallax working, when header’s full width is on main page (*.pl/wp2/).

    3. I mean currently main page, Posts page (blog) – although all page header settings are set for “within container”, it displays full width (*.pl/wp2/) and I’d like to make it display like other headers, within container (like Konkursy, or Patronat – *.pl/wp2/patronat/). I mean just the positioning, I do not need title there.

    4. I do not know why but at first it wasn’t displaying. Then I’ve set home page to static page and back to blog, and it worked. Do not know why it wasn’t working when I was typing the address myself (/wp/) ’cause this WordPress “home page” has in settings exactly the same address as I typed… ^^’ :tl;dr;Important thing is, it works, thanks!

     .blog .page-header,
    .archive .page-header {
        margin-bottom: 20px;

    does not work (example: *.pl/wp2/category/konkursy/) – I tried adding it via Custom CSS, now it’s added via Simple CSS plugin. I’ve tried different margins options via web developer tools in Firefox to find a solution but I’m stuck πŸ™

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    2. And you’re sure it’s enabled in that specific page header? I’m not seeing any of the usually classes being applied.

    3. You could try this PHP:

    add_action( 'wp', 'tu_move_blog_page_header', 20 );
    function tu_move_blog_page_header() {
        remove_action( 'generate_after_header', 'generate_page_header' );
        add_action( 'generate_before_main_content', 'generate_page_header' );

    4. Ah, try this instead:

     .blog .page-header-content,
    .archive .page-header-content {
        margin-bottom: 20px;

    2. I’m sorry, I confused links… It’s still the same as I wrote first time -> /wp2/konkursy/ (link “Konkursy” in top menu) not /wp2/category/konkursy, just confused them as we were talking about both ^^’. And the height of the image is not the issue with parallax (they’re both much bigger than the headers). Now you can see the issue with parallax also on the main page *.pl/wp2/

    3. Had to modify it a bit, ’cause when first activated, it made the other pages double their headers – under the header was a copy of a header… I looked at the code for categories headers you gave me previously and tried adding an if… and it works πŸ˜€ Thank you so much πŸ˜€

    add_action( 'wp', 'tu_move_blog_page_header', 20 );
    function tu_move_blog_page_header(){ if ( is_home()) {
        remove_action( 'generate_after_header', 'generate_page_header' );
        add_action( 'generate_before_main_content', 'generate_page_header' );

    4. That worked, thank you!

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