Tom, two more questions:
1.) I don’t see a way to CONTOL the order that the pages display from the shortcode.
“Order by” has many options, but none (that I’ve tested) allows me to manually control the order.
Was hoping to see an option for “Sort Order” but it’s not an option. And Order By ID doesn’t sort based on the ID list from the Post IDs field.
2.) Is there a way to control (customize via formatted HTML) the copy within each box?
Right now it’s just pulling the excerpt from Content > Excerpt Length; which is from the actual pages.
Is there a way to customize the copy there?
I thought perhaps using the custom page excepts field – but I don’t see that option under Screen Options.
Any way to inject custom (formatted) HTML here?
Perhaps the plugin wasn’t designed for my use case. I’m close though. It’s almost perfect. I’m happy to pay you for you to add these customizations to the plugin.
Thx Tom!