[Resolved] Widget spacing

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Widget spacing

Home Forums Support Widget spacing

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  • #437494

    Hi Guys
    I was wondering if it is possible to add a bit more space (gutter) between the footer widgets on http://pilew.allanjackson.net/.
    Thanks very much

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Give this a shot:

    .site-footer .footer-widgets-container .inside-footer-widgets {
        margin-left: -80px;
    .site-footer .footer-widgets-container .inner-padding {
        padding-left: 80px;

    Thanks Tom, It doesn’t seem to have made a difference though…


    If you want to add more space between different widgets I guess what you can do is to go to Customizer -> Layout -> Footer. Change both ‘Footer Width’ and ‘Inner Footer Width’ to be ‘Full’. Then you could adjust the gutter in ‘Footer Widget Area Padding’.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I’m not seeing the CSS added?


    Just tested out myself, seems like the option in customizer is for the paddings around the entire .footer-widgets container so setting them won’t help. Tom’s approach should definitely work.


    Hi Tom
    Sorry it took so long to get to this but the CSS you provided does show up in the site’s Simple CSS window. Here’s a screen shot: http://pilew.allanjackson.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/2017-12-07_155531.jpg

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    The media query right above it is missing a closing } bracket.

    For each opening {, there needs to be a }.


    Perfect, Tom. Thanks so much.

    I have mentioned how much I like GP and everything to do with it. Here are a few suggestions you might like:

    1) An option where clients can take over ownership of GP we’ve used on their sites for a nominal yearly fee. That will give them upgrades in case we fall under a bus and you and the developers could share the additional revenue stream.

    2) A pay-per-use Astra sites-like feature where we could import entire sites built with a selection of pagebuilders. It could save developer time and be a great additional revenue source for you guys.

    Customer Support

    1) We actually recommend developers to add in a copy of the license fee when you initially quote the site built for them. This is so that when one day you no longer manage the site, they will still get support from us.

    2) We have something exciting coming which we needed 2.0 to be out first 🙂 Stay tune!

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