The problem is though that if Shop menu is open then some of the menus below are (especially on smaller screens) not visible and i cannot figure out how to make this vertical header fixed with 100% height in a way that menus would be visible if they are opened. For example: compare home page with this Shop page
Any advice how to make vertical header 100% height and menus scrollable would be really appreciated.
Thanks for your reply. overflow: scroll kind of worked but i am afraid that it is going to be a bit confusing for the customers to figure out that that sidebar can be scrolled. I am looking for a solution which is more like this here
The left sidebar in this example only has a few item and no dropdown menu, so it fits better to the screens. The right sidebar also has a scrollbar like you can get with overflow:scroll. I think they achieved the behaviour on the left sidebar with some kind of a script because the properties of the left container change if you scroll the page.
I do not think that a scrollable navigation is confusing but this is only my point of view. ๐