[Resolved] Use page-template to create a page?

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Home Forums Support Use page-template to create a page?

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    I want to create a page which lists all articles in a specific way. Exactly like here: https://jamesclear.com/articles.

    How do I list all articles on the site (and the new ones coming) in that way?

    I thought about taking the page.php of GP and doing it with some WordPress tags, this proved to be difficult.

    Any ideas on how to proceed here?

    Thanks in advance,

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Creating a page template and then adding a post loop using get_posts() is definitely one solution.

    Another option is using a plugin like WP Show Posts to query posts by category. Then styling them so only the title appears.


    Thanks Tom.

    WP Show Posts definitely looks interesting, I look into it.

    Stupid question, if I use the page.php as the template, where do I insert the content?

    Template Name: Articles_New
    if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
    	exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
    get_header(); ?>
    	<div id="primary" <?php generate_content_class();?>>
    		<main id="main" <?php generate_main_class(); ?>>
    			 * generate_before_main_content hook.
    			 * @since 0.1
    			do_action( 'generate_before_main_content' );
    			while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
    				get_template_part( 'content', 'page' );
    				// If comments are open or we have at least one comment, load up the comment template.
    				if ( comments_open() || '0' != get_comments_number() ) : ?>
    					<div class="comments-area">
    						<?php comments_template(); ?>
    				<?php endif;
    			 * generate_after_main_content hook.
    			 * @since 0.1
    			do_action( 'generate_after_main_content' );
    		</main><!-- #main -->
    	</div><!-- #primary -->
    	 * generate_after_primary_content_area hook.
    	 * @since 2.0
    	do_action( 'generate_after_primary_content_area' );

    So using WP Show Posts I would be able to create the exact same articles page as here?

    Is the plugin light-weight? I don’t want to add more strain to the server (I’m fighting with site pseed issues).

    Thank you in advance for the help!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You would replace this line with your custom query:

    get_template_part( 'content', 'page' );

    WP Show Posts would add an extra resource to the page (CSS), but other than that it wouldn’t affect performance.


    Thank you Tom, very helpful.

    Just one more thing, I was hoping that I could replace:

    get_template_part( 'content', 'page' );

    and add a page title, a few paragraphs of text, then use get_posts() to output articles.

    But it doesn’t work, it gives me an error.

    I understand that this is kind of outside the scope of GP, maybe you can point me to a tutorial or something (couldn’t find anything).

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    What’s the code you’re using that’s generating the error?


    What I was trying to do is make the template output a “normal” WordPress page, so that I can just fill in the HTML code and the PHP calls for the archive.

    So I’ve put in the_title( '<h2>', '</h2>' ); to output the page’s title. But it doesn’t format it the way I want to, margins, etc.

    I think that I have to put the CSS class for the page wrapper in there. So I tried wrapping it in <div class="inside-article"></div> and I received the error.

    Maybe you can point me into the right direction?


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You’d need to do something like this:

    $args = array (
        'post_type' => 'nav_menu_item',
        'fields' => 'ids',
        'no_found_rows' => true,
    $posts = get_posts( $args );
    echo '<ul>';
    foreach ( $posts as $post_id ) {
            '<li><a href="%1$s">%2$s</a></li>',
            get_permalink( $post_id ),
            get_the_title( $post_id )
    echo '</ul>';

    Of course, it will need a little styling to look good ๐Ÿ™‚


    That works Tom, thank you!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You’re welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

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