[Support request] Use desktop Navigation menu for tablet

Home Forums Support [Support request] Use desktop Navigation menu for tablet

Home Forums Support Use desktop Navigation menu for tablet

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  • #403805
    Oskar Fransson

    Is it possible to use the desktop navigation menu for tablet. I only want mobile devices to have the hamburger menu.

    Also, is it possible to make the navigation colors responsive in a coming update. Ie. being able to change the colors of the navigation menu depending on mobile, tablet and desktop mode. Now the colors will change for all, had to add a lot of additional css rules to make this happen.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    For now, you can use this CSS to initiate the mobile menu at a wider width: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/mobile-navigation/#initiating-the-mobile-navigation-at-a-different-width

    This will get considerably easier soon.

    We do have plans to add color options for the mobile menu 🙂

    Oskar Fransson

    Hi, thanks for your reply :).

    I would like to initiate the mobile menu at a narrower width. In tablet and desktop the menu should look the same, only in mobile i want the menu to collapse into a hamburger menu. Is this possible?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Currently it’s not very easy – but it’s planned to add a simple filter to choose when the mobile menu initiates.

    For now, you can use the CSS method: https://gist.github.com/generatepress/bb195b0ecd8f833f9845

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