[Support request] Use custom block from another theme

Home Forums Support [Support request] Use custom block from another theme

Home Forums Support Use custom block from another theme

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  • #1764304


    I want to import one part of another theme. I like the very top of the Coach theme homepage. I put a screenshot here:


    How can I create that block on my own website? Is there a way to import just that?

    Thank you!


    Sorry, this reply previously contained a link to the screenshot that didn’t work. I’ve removed it.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Is it just that layout you’re after or will you require the Form plugin that Coach uses – as that is part of that element. Let me know.


    That’s fine. Is there a way to “copy-paste” that section, after enabling the Form plugin, into my own site?

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    You can add in an empty container block on your page and go “Edit as HTML”

    You then paste this code in:

    <!-- wp:generateblocks/grid {"uniqueId":"6fe27e78","columns":2,"horizontalGap":120,"verticalGapTablet":60,"isDynamic":true} -->
    <!-- wp:generateblocks/container {"uniqueId":"b23027e0","isGrid":true,"gridId":"64a2fc82","width":62,"widthTablet":100,"paddingTop":"0","paddingRight":"0","paddingBottom":"0","paddingLeft":"0","isDynamic":true} -->
    <!-- wp:generateblocks/headline {"uniqueId":"e3969fb0","element":"h1","highlightTextColor":"#db7965","showAdvancedTypography":true,"fontSize":38,"fontSizeMobile":32,"marginTop":"0","marginRight":"0","marginBottom":"20","marginLeft":"0","paddingTop":"50","paddingRight":"0","paddingBottom":"0","paddingLeft":"30","borderSizeLeft":"1"} -->
    <h1 class="gb-headline gb-headline-e3969fb0 gb-headline-text">Curious how your business can run more efficiently? <mark class="gb-highlight">My name is Elise Williams, I'm here to show you how</mark></h1>
    <!-- /wp:generateblocks/headline -->
    <!-- wp:generateblocks/headline {"uniqueId":"017f8e05","element":"p","textColor":"#667780","borderColor":"#db7965","showAdvancedTypography":true,"fontSize":20,"paddingLeft":"30","paddingLeftMobile":"0"} -->
    <p class="gb-headline gb-headline-017f8e05 gb-headline-text">Coach is built with GenerateBlocks and is perfect for any consultant, entrepreneur, coach or author looking for a lightweight website.</p>
    <!-- /wp:generateblocks/headline -->
    <!-- wp:generateblocks/headline {"uniqueId":"f373d45e","element":"p","textColor":"#667780","showAdvancedTypography":true,"fontSize":16,"marginBottom":"10","paddingLeft":"30","paddingLeftMobile":"0"} -->
    <p class="gb-headline gb-headline-f373d45e gb-headline-text"><em>Join over 20,000 subscribers and receive my latest articles. </em></p>
    <!-- /wp:generateblocks/headline -->
    <!-- wp:generateblocks/container {"uniqueId":"111faf61","paddingTop":"5","paddingRight":"30","paddingBottom":"0","paddingLeft":"30","paddingTopMobile":"5","paddingRightMobile":"0","paddingBottomMobile":"0","paddingLeftMobile":"0","isDynamic":true} -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>[mc4wp_form id="512"]</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- /wp:generateblocks/container -->
    <!-- /wp:generateblocks/container -->
    <!-- wp:generateblocks/container {"uniqueId":"1e99d9e6","isGrid":true,"gridId":"64a2fc82","width":38,"widthTablet":100,"paddingTop":"0","paddingRight":"0","paddingBottom":"0","paddingLeft":"0","removeVerticalGapTablet":true,"removeVerticalGapMobile":true,"isDynamic":true} -->
    <!-- wp:image {"id":4289,"sizeSlug":"large","className":"image-style"} -->
    <figure class="wp-block-image size-large image-style"><img src="https://dev-generate-press.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/pexels-christina-morillo-1181567.jpg" alt="" class="wp-image-4289"/></figure>
    <!-- /wp:image -->
    <!-- /wp:generateblocks/container -->
    <!-- /wp:generateblocks/grid -->

    You then save the page and refresh it so the blocks render properly.

    The form won’t likely load though. You’ll have to remake that on its appropriate plugin.

    The code is basically this:

    <input type="email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Email Address" required /> 
    <input type="submit" value="SIGN ME UP" />

    Awesome, I’ll try it tonight. I’m going to skip the form for now. I assume that is just the email address field and the sign up button. Do I need to make any changes to this code if the form isn’t included?

    I really appreciate your help!

    Customer Support

    Awesome, I’ll try it tonight. I’m going to skip the form for now. I assume that is just the email address field and the sign up button. Do I need to make any changes to this code if the form isn’t included?

    You’ll have to change the mc4wp shortcode.

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