[Support request] Tiny amount of padding on background images

Home Forums Support [Support request] Tiny amount of padding on background images

Home Forums Support Tiny amount of padding on background images

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  • #2222059

    Hi guys,

    I’ve had some SVGs designed as background images for this page: https://www.goodsignals.com/seo/ (to the right of ‘Stop! Don’t face algorithm and migration nightmares alone’ and ‘ways we can work together’)

    There is a tiny bit of padding above and below the images showing the black background. Any ideas on how I get rid of this? I’ve had a play with the settings and it doesn’t seem to make any difference.

    Thanks in advance.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    that space is coming from the SVG.
    I opened the image in its own browser tab and the space around the image can be seen there too.
    On inspection i see this:


    the viewBox is what defines the overall size.
    And within the SVG defs and clip path groups you can see there are rectangles that are smaller then the viewbox.

    You may want to ask the designer to ‘re-crop’ the images.

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