[Resolved] The Grid as a Template for WooCommerce

Home Forums Support [Resolved] The Grid as a Template for WooCommerce

Home Forums Support The Grid as a Template for WooCommerce

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  • #375237


    Slightly unusual request…

    Using the excellent THE GRID plugin (info below) I would like to replace the default WooCommerce loop. See: https://theme-one.com/docs/the-grid/#!/grid_as_template

    Instead of using a child-theme, I prefer to use the CODE SNIPPETS plugin:

    A simple snippet I could use to do the thing?

    I have used this plugin with Genesis a few times but it usually requires tampering with the actual theme files. I would love to keep GP fresh and clean πŸ˜‰


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I think you’ll need to overwrite the WC content file.

    So basically, take this file and copy it into your child-theme/templates/ folder and name it the same (content-product.php).

    Then place your code in it instead of the current content.


    Thanks, Tom. I would have liked to do it via a snippet. Might not be possible but a man can dream, right?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I looked into it a bit, it doesn’t look like you can filter the output of the loop without changing any template files. It would be super powerful if you could – I’ll definitely keep an eye out πŸ™‚


    Perfectly cool. Was trying my luck πŸ˜‰
    As always – some of the best of support on the interwebs.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Thank you! πŸ™‚

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