[Resolved] Thank you with couple of questions…

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Thank you with couple of questions…

Home Forums Support Thank you with couple of questions…

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  • #597004

    First of all, Thank You creating this theme. I really enjoy playing around with it while learning the joys of web design. And so I learned to put borders around the content with this CSS:

    border: 1px solid black;

    but it puts borders on every page. How can I edit this code so that borders show only on blog page?
    Also how can I change position of blog title and post date inside a column? For example, now both of these things are on the right and I want them centered.
    And the last question for now: Maybe you have some smart way to remove bullet points and that gray border surrounding the box from the Simple yearly archive?

    Thank you! Oh and ignore the mess on the website. 😀

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    you can target individual pages with CSS using Classes that are assigned to the Body. So for the Blog page you can do this:

    .blog .inside-article {
        border: 1px solid black;

    The Post title / meta alignment. Check in the Customiser > Layout > Container > And adjust the padding, you currently have a large left padding.

    To remove the border around the table can be done like so:

    table, td, th {
        border: none;

    Great. Both worked nicely. Only removing that table border left a tiny drop-shadow. And it seems that adding box-shadow: none; to that table CSS doesn’t remove it. So I suppose there is something else I need write, right?

    Customer Support

    Aah my bad – edited the code above


    Aha, perfect. Thank you.

    Customer Support

    Glad to be of help!

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