[Support request] TapTap Plugin Incompatibility

Home Forums Support [Support request] TapTap Plugin Incompatibility

Home Forums Support TapTap Plugin Incompatibility

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  • #400049

    Hey there,

    I’m using GP Premium on WordPress 4.8.2 on my own hosted server and am trying to also use the TapTap plugin.

    Installed TapTap successfully, but when it is activated at the same time as the GP theme, it causes any Customize page to crash – a browser page load error. I’ve tested against all other plugins and themes to isolate the issue and have found that TapTap only has the issue with the GP theme. Something isn’t playing nice.

    To troubleshoot, I reset the entire WP site, re-activated the GP premium theme as well as the TapTap plugin and the issue was still the same.

    I reached out to the developer of TapTap and they recommended that I get support here.

    Here is a link to the plugin: https://codecanyon.net/item/taptap-a-super-customizable-wordpress-mobile-menu/9966828

    Is there a way to fix this incompatibility issue?


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    This can happen as GP Premium requires some functions that exist in the GP theme inside the Customizer.

    Plugins like TapTap disable the theme, so those functions don’t exist.

    I’ll be adding some safeguards in the next version to prevent this from happening ๐Ÿ™‚


    Ah, okay. Thanks for the reply. Please let us know when it gets patched! Thanks for what you all do.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I’ll get it into the next beta version of GPP 1.5 ๐Ÿ™‚

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