[Support request] Tablet and mobile issues

Home Forums Support [Support request] Tablet and mobile issues

Home Forums Support Tablet and mobile issues

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  • #439414

    Hey all. Have problem with my blog page content on tablet. In Customize->Layout->FeaturedImages->Archives->Alignment i set Left, but on tablet showing in Center, can i resolve it?
    Here is a image

    Other problem on mobile phone with table. Can i fix it without any plugin?
    Here is a image

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    I assume the picture should be left on tablet in landscape but center in portrait mode?

    If so try CSS like this:

    @media (min-width: 700px) and (max-width: 768px) {
        body:not(.post-image-aligned-center) .inside-article .post-image {
            float: left;

    Where is that table and how was it created? Tables are not responsive unfortunately so I would recommend using a responsive table plugin.


    Problem with code. Error showing with “body” and “}” I put this code in Customize->Aditional CSS

    I copy table from my excel file and paste in page.

    Customer Support

    Edited the code a bit. Give it another shot?

    And yeah a plugin would be your best bet for the table.

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