[Support request] Table Rate Shipping from Bolder Elements

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Home Forums Support Table Rate Shipping from Bolder Elements

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    I just downloaded the Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce from Bolder Elements and i have the issue that when i enter a address (in The Netherlands) it doesn’t give any shipping options. i did visit the Bolder Elements website and the FAQ was standing that it might be a problem with the theme that i use.

    I hope this is the case and that it is easy to solve. i’m not a great programmer yet so when you know how to fix it, it would be nice to be helped in easy steps.

    When i need to provide more info please tell me what you want to know. and sorry for my English.

    Richard (from the netherlands)

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Since the broken functionality is within the plugin, there would have to be some sort of error in GeneratePress to cause it. I don’t think there are any such errors.

    Have you contacted their support yet?


    No i did not contact their support yet, i might do that but from what i have seen they are not that helpfull. so i hoped that it would a syncronisation error from GeneratePress because it just doesn’t reconize the postal code.

    But when i enter my address when the MyParcel plug-in is on it does seem to find it. but not the plug-in can’t find it on his own.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Unfortunately I think it’s likely an error within their plugin, as GP isn’t aware of the plugin/postal code functionality. I’m sorry!

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