[Resolved] Switch 'Wordsmith' to 'Catalyst' GP Prem Theme help

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Switch 'Wordsmith' to 'Catalyst' GP Prem Theme help

Home Forums Support Switch 'Wordsmith' to 'Catalyst' GP Prem Theme help

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    I was very new when I was shopping for the themes and so glad that my mentor recommended GP Premium. I was very happy so far until now I am literally craving to have ‘Catalyst’ layout, My site isn’t loaded yet, I am still a newbie and have like 4 posts and all pages filled with some data on my current ‘Wordsmith’ layout. You can check it out @ https://www.alovelyplacetoland.com (do not laugh :-))

    1. What are some major/minor differences between working on Wordsmith vs. Catalyst, please?
    2. How can I make a switch as cleanly as possible without losing my content? Do you recommend WP_Reset?

    Look forward to your feedback, Thanks.


    I do have a Staging site if it helps to set up everything on the staging site before pushing it to Production? Thanks, forgot to mention this imp note.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    1. It’s a bit tough to list out all the differences. Wordsmith is using WP Show Posts, whereas Catalyst is using Lightweight grid columns and GP’s sections.

    Most of the Catalyst template can be replicated with Gutenberg columns.

    2. WP Reset will erase all your existing content. We only recommend importing sites on a new install without your own content. If you want to revert it and keep all your content, you will need to go through the steps here:

    Let me know πŸ™‚


    hi Leo, Thanks, I am afraid of the learning curve because I feel like I know how to make changes to Wordsmith fairly easily.

    In that case, what can I do to switch back to the original setting of Wordsmith just like Oliver delivered it before I started messing it all up thinking I know more, please?

    I want it as he deployed it initially, I know there is much work I need to do to add my customizations again.

    I have Staging site, let me know if I can do it all in Staging and then push it to Prod.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    if you want to keep your content e.g posts and media then you will need to manually remove the parts added by the Site. This article covers that:


    In addition to the article – go to Customizer > Additional CSS and delete its contents.

    Once that is done you can re-import the Wordsmith Site.

    You will then need to make some changes ie. remove the dummy posts that was loaded. Change your Menus over to you’re requirement and update the Site Identity title and logos.


    Thanks, David.
    I think I should be able to bring it back if it is going to be manual effort.

    Can you please provide me with default font styles that Mike used for Wordsmith? Headings, Content, etc. How many styles did he use as well? That should help me.


    oh and David, one more question.
    I never gotta stabilize Autooptimize plugin with or without lazyload. So, I just disabled it and I get spam comments a ton daily. Is there a better alternative to Autooptimize, please ?

    Autooptimize is working for me only if I disable CSS optimize.

    It is not working with Leo’s suggested URL from Tom with screenshots on default settings from GP site.

    Not working meaning, it is changing my fonts all over the place otherwise.

    Customer Support

    Wordsmith is using Bree Serif for font. It might be easier if you just go to the original site:

    Right-click on the element and use the inspector to see the style associated with it. Here is a quick example:

    Let me know if there is anything you are having trouble to find πŸ™‚

    As for the Autopimize question, there shouldn’t be any incompatibility as we are actually running it on this site as well. Do you mind opening a new topic so we can track the issues one by one?



    sounds good, Thanks, Leo. will do.


    Actually my bad, rather than F12, Mike already provided that info in his Style guide :-), thanks. Resolved.

    Customer Support

    Sounds good πŸ™‚

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