[Support request] Suggestion: List changed settings on GPP modules page

Home Forums Support [Support request] Suggestion: List changed settings on GPP modules page

Home Forums Support Suggestion: List changed settings on GPP modules page

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  • #404764


    I did not see a suggestion link so hopefully this is an ok place to post this. I’m brand new to GPP and tinkering with it on a site for the first time. As I am not sure what each module does just yet, my first inclination was to activate everything and just go from there. But then I thought “how will I know which ones I actually used so I can turn off the unused ones later?” Without knowing what each one does, there really isn’t a way to do that without trial and error.

    So why not list changed settings on the main page? Nothing in detail of course, that would be difficult and messy. But it would be nice to be able to see a list under each module where something (not specific) was altered. Should it go back to default, then it would be removed from the list and indicate no changes have been made.

    Here’s a mockup of what I am explaining.

    View post on imgur.com

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Very interesting idea – thank you! I’ll play with it a bit 🙂

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