[Support request] Settings not being transferred after site migrated

Home Forums Support [Support request] Settings not being transferred after site migrated

Home Forums Support Settings not being transferred after site migrated

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  • #350804

    We have two WP Multisite intranet sites at our organization – a production site (call it content.mysite.com) and a dev site (call it contenttst.mysite.com). The subsites use the url scheme (subsite.content.mysite.com).

    With that background in mind, we are trying to create a mirror image of the production site on the test dev site. We imported the database and changed the paths and the site and data comes up, but it looks like none of GeneratePress’s settings came over.

    Is there something special we need to do to get GeneratePress working with the second site?

    Thank you!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    All of the Customizer settings for GP are inside the wp_options table along with all of your other settings.

    If you exported/imported that table (I assume you did), the GP settings will be there as well.

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