[Resolved] Right Sidebar Alignment Issue when Left Sidebar is Empty

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Right Sidebar Alignment Issue when Left Sidebar is Empty

Home Forums Support Right Sidebar Alignment Issue when Left Sidebar is Empty

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  • #404189

    I’m noticing a layout problem when using GP Premium 1.4.3 with WooCommerce 3.2.1. I’ve setup the Category Archive pages with the Sidebar/Content/Sidebar layout. The Left Sidebar is using WooCommerce Dynamic Widgets like Price Filters and Woo Categories (that hides when there are not sub-categories available).

    When the Left Sidebar widgets are NOT visible, the Right Sidebar layout is not Pushed to the right, but ends up somewhere near the center of the page. I’m viewing this with Chrome 63 on OSX Sierra.

    1. Is this a CSS bug?
    2. I would prefer the Left Sidebar to be removed and the layout change to Content/Sidebar when the widgets are NOT active.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    That space on the left is reserved for left sidebar widgets. Since there are none, it just looks like a big empty space.

    If that product isn’t going to have any widgets there, you can change the sidebar layout to something else, like no sidebars: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/sidebar-layout/#different-sidebar-layouts-for-individual-pages-and-posts

    At some point I’d like to add the logic int that will do this for you, but it’s not easy to do while maintaining backward compatibility.

    Let me know if you need more info ๐Ÿ™‚


    Thanks for the replay Tom.

    What about adding a meta box to select a Sidebar Layout within the Add New Category or Edit Category page? Similar to how you’ve added the Page Header dropdown for GP Premium.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    That’s a good idea – noted!

    For now you can use the generate_sidebar_layout filter: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/sidebar-layout/#using-a-function


    Thanks for the help Tom. I look forward to the Sidebar Layout per Category feature.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    No problem ๐Ÿ™‚


    i have an issue very simmilair to this :
    i am using the latest GP AND GPP + latest WOOCOMMERCE . with 25% / 50% / 25% ( 25 FOR SIDEBARS)
    i am using the left sidebar for the ‘cart’ and It displays products only if there are products in the cart.
    i’ve noticed that only on a portable / laptop screen ( no problem on desktop views at all resolutions )
    i am testing on a laptop – if the left sidebar is empty the right sidebar goes under the content area and i can’t realy understand what to change for this and why is it only on the laptop screen.
    i am not sure but i cant fix the float because it impacts the desktop sceeens.

    what should i do ?

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    would it be possible for you to raise a new topic and provide a link to the site? The initial topic has Site URL area that only admins can see.

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