[Support request] Responsive call to action button in header

Home Forums Support [Support request] Responsive call to action button in header

Home Forums Support Responsive call to action button in header

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  • #757253


    I am trying to get a responsive call to action button in the header of my site but I am not sure how I could approach this.
    If you scale the site then you will see that the CONTACT button does not move with the content. Is it possible to let it move and scale till a certain breakpoint and below that breakpoint show the button under the header and mobile menu?

    Screen dump 1:
    Screen dump of the home page with call to action button in header.

    Screen dump 2:
    Screen dump of the home page with call to action button in header while the website has been scaled down a bit.

    Kind regards, Merijn

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    It’s not responsive because you are using position: absolute here and a very large margin here:

    .header-widget {
        background-color: #e22117;
        color: #ffffff;
        padding: 8px 10px;
        margin: 85px 60px 0 1002px;
        position: absolute;
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