[Resolved] Remove bottom margin(?) below footer

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Remove bottom margin(?) below footer

Home Forums Support Remove bottom margin(?) below footer

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  • #423878


    I have an annoying bottom margin below my footer that i cant get rid of. Ok doesnt dseem to be a css style margin, but i dont know what else to call it.

    You can see it here

    All pages except woocommerce single product pages seem to be effected
    (example of uneffected woocommece product single) http://xn--pldar-hra.se/himla-plad-carolin-limited-collection-blackwhite/

    Please help me remove this bottom margin.

    Let me know if you need login credentials.

    Customer Support

    Hi Leo,

    I disabled all plugins that I could and it didnt solve the issue. There are some plugins that are network activated and I do not want to risk deactivating for all 25 sites on the network at once. These are Yoast SEO and WP All Import and a few others.

    Please advise.

    Customer Support

    Unfortunately it’s hard for us to tell what’s causing it.

    GP theme and plugin shouldn’t cause this issue. Otherwise we would be receiving lots of reports on this but we have not.

    Maybe duplicate this on a test server and to test?


    Well after some mucking about in css i found this solution:

    .site-footer {
      height: 1px;

    anything below 504px in desktop and 1014px in mobile has the same result of removing the bottom margin thing. Every pixel above those values adds 1 pixel to the bottom margin thing. So for example “height: 1314px” gives a 300 high bottom margin in mobile and 810 high in desktop. Maybe this can give you a hint on to what is causing it?

    Either way my immediate styling problem is solved for now.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You have an image added in the footer, maybe in GP Hooks?: https://www.screencast.com/t/6YTayybFlAg

    Give it some CSS: <img src="etc.." style="height:0;width:0;" />


    Thanks Tom,

    Thats a third party js adding the image, so i have no control over the styling. Ill notify the script provider. You may close this ticket now.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Sounds good – they’re using width=”0″ and height=”0″ right now, but should use CSS instead.

    Glad I could help! 🙂

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