[Support request] Recommended Products Page

Home Forums Support [Support request] Recommended Products Page

Home Forums Support Recommended Products Page

  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by David.
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  • #1433120

    Hello GP Team.

    Is there a way for me to have a “Recommended Products” option/tab in my Primary Navigation/Menu area, at the top, that serves as a “drop down” function to categories of specific groups of products, for example, Drills, Hammers and so on?

    Thank you,


    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Not sure if I fully understand.

    Are you using WooCommerce? If so you can add the product categories menu items in the primary navigation?

    Let me know 🙂


    Hi Leo,

    Thank you for helping me.

    No, I’m not using WooCommerce. I just want to add a “Recommended Products” option/function in the primary navigation menu (next to “Home,” “About” and “Contact”) that will allow users to click on “Recommended Products” that will have a drop-down menu that takes users to various pages that have specific products in a particular category. So, say for example, the “Recommended Products” drop-down has an option/category of “Drills” or “Sanders” that the user can click on, which takes the user to a page where I list the “Drills” or “Sanders,” or what have you, that I use and recommend.

    I hope I make sense.

    I LOVE Generate Press!


    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    you can add Woocommerce Categories to a Sub Menu in Appearance > Menus. This will link you directly to that category archive.

    If you want to create a static page for each of your ‘recommended’ products so you can add other content around the product list. Then you can do that too by creating a normal page and using the Woocommerce Shortcodes to add the relevant category products:


    Heres an example shortcode:

    [products limit="6" columns="3" category="drills"]

    There is the Woocommerce Blocks plugin that will do this as well – but i personally think Shortcodes work better as their styles will match whatever your main shop style, whereas the blocks dont.


    Thank you, David. I’ll try different ways to do it and post again if I can’t figure it out.

    Customer Support

    You’re welcome

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