[Support request] purchased premium but now what?

Home Forums Support [Support request] purchased premium but now what?

Home Forums Support purchased premium but now what?

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  • #384499

    I bought premium add-ons to remove the home page header.

    My theme says its activated but also has a configure link. Am I supposed to do something?

    Under my license key it says version 1.4.3 activated but at the top of the screen it says version 1.4.

    Ive activated page header.

    Clicked Page header > all page headers

    Result = All (0), no posts found.

    The video is next to useless for me to follow. No voiceover, no explanations.

    Please can someone help me with what I thought would be just a simple job.



    There’s a number of Youtube GeneratePress video tutorials you might find helpful.

    Customer Support

    Hi Kevin,

    GP theme is 1.4 and GP premium is at 1.4.3 currently so you are up to date.

    There shouldn’t be a default page header added to your site.

    Can you link me to the site so I know which element you are referring to?



    My site is under construction. Im struggling to get it up and running. Its called http://www.wildlifeartstore.com
    I have to create a home and landing page which requires me to remove the headers from those pages.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    I believe you’re looking for the Disable Elements add-on.

    Does this page help?: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/disable-elements-overview/

    If not, which part are you having trouble with? I’ll be happy to help 🙂

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