[Support request] Problem with yoast breadcrumbs

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Home Forums Support Problem with yoast breadcrumbs

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  • #383318

    I have activated in http://apartamentoparatres.es the breadcrums with the yoast plugin. It is seen all over the web except in this type of pages (http://apartamentoparatres.es/nuestras-creaciones/diseno-grafico/diseno-grafico-yllera/). I have tried several options by code and I still do not solve the problem. Can you tell me how to see the breadcrums in these pages?
    Thanks and greetings


    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Looks like the breadcrumb is showing in the primary navigation on other pages but the primary menu is disabled in the page you linked?


    Hi there,

    in the pages (http://apartamentoparatres.es/nuestras-creaciones/diseno-grafico/diseno-grafico-yllera/) the main menu is disabled. If you enable it, you see the breadcrumbs. Would it be possible to see them without enabling the menu?
    Thanks and greetings

    Customer Support

    Hmm not really if the breadcrumb is inserted with the primary navigation.

    Can you try to add it somewhere else?


    While it appears at the top, I have no problem inserting it into another place.
    At this moment the breadcrums code is in header.php. I tried to put it in page.php and content-page.php but it did´nt work. They did´n show up. I also copied the code in header.php and page.php but in certain pages they were duplicated. Where do you advise me to put it?

    Thank you

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Have you tried adding it into the After Header hook in GP Hooks?


    I just tried and it doesn’t work. If I copy the code in gp hooks and in header.php or page.php in the pages like this (http://apartamentoparatres.es/nuestras-creaciones/diseno-grafico/diseno-grafico-yllera/) they appear the breadcrums but in the pages like this (http://apartamentoparatres.es/nuestras-creaciones/diseno-grafico/) they are duplicated.
    *now the code is only copied in gp hooks because I don´t want the breadcrums to look duplicates.
    Thank you

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    They should only be added in GP Hooks – not in any files.

    If they’re only in GP Hooks, they’re only showing up on some pages?


    the code is only into the After Header hook in GP Hooks and is not seen in the pages that have hidden the main menu. Is it possible for the breadcrums to be seen on these types of pages without activating the menu?

    thank you

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hmm, the After Header hook has no connection to the menu. How are you hiding the menu on those pages?


    With the theme option: disable elements, which is in edit page on the right side (sorry for the explanation but I don´t know how to attach images here)

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Are you sure you’re using the After Header hook and not the After Header Content hook?


    Yes. The code are in After Header Hook. Even so I tried on all the hooks to see what happened but in any hook the problem is solved.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    In any hook except the After Header hook the issue goes away?


    I finally managed to solve it, copying the code in after header content hook and giving some css styles to make it right. But I have two problems:
    1. The color of the hover link does not respect it
    2. I want to deactivate within the breadcrum the page “nuestras creaciones” (http://apartamentoparatres.es/nuestras-creaciones/diseno-grafico/). Can it be done?

    the css code is:

    .breadcrumbs {
    background-color: black;
    font-size: 0.6em;
    color: white;
    .breadcrumbs a:hover {
    color: #fedb00;
    .breadcrumbs a:visited {
    color: #cccccc;
    body.home .breadcrumbs{

    Thank you

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