Hi there,
I could not find this topic in the forum, so finally I write it here:
I am using the Lightweight Grid Columns for one part of the home layout. The image below the slider supposes to be at the right side of the slider (below the other same image), like this:
Here is the code I am using:
[ lgc_column grid="70" tablet_grid="100" mobile_grid="100" last="false" ]
[metaslider id=152]
[ /lgc_column ]
[ lgc_column grid="30" tablet_grid="50" mobile_grid="100" last="false" ]
<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-396" src="https://chuchesxiana.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Tenda-física-chuches-xiana-300x205.jpg" alt="Tenda física chuches xiana" width="300" height="205" />
[ /lgc_column ]
[ lgc_column grid="30" tablet_grid="50" mobile_grid="100" last="false" ]
<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-396" src="https://chuchesxiana.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Tenda-física-chuches-xiana-300x205.jpg" alt="Tenda física chuches xiana" width="300" height="205"/>
[ /lgc_column ]
Not sure what I am doing wrong :s