[Resolved] Problem drop-down menu bar

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Problem drop-down menu bar

Home Forums Support Problem drop-down menu bar

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    Hi, I have a problem with the drop down menu bar. You can enter it as a setting or to drop the contents of the sub folders to the right or left (from desktop) creating a really ugly effect.

    I wanted, possibly by modifying the css, to always make the articles of the sub folders go down vertically. I am attaching an image to give an idea. But just go to the cryptofreecoupon.com site to realize (by hovering the mouse over the menu and submenu) of the problem.

    Link screenshot: https://ibb.co/nRQr1hd

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    you can do something like this:

    @media (min-width: 769px) {
        .main-navigation:not(.toggled) ul ul li.sfHover>ul,
        .main-navigation:not(.toggled) ul ul li:hover>ul {
            position: static;

    BUT … and its a big but, if you have multiple sub-sub-menus the UX can be terrible, as the user has to mouse over an open sub menu to reach other menu items, which then causes the menu above to close.

    IF you want that kind of UX then i would suggest changing the Sub Menu open from Hover to Click.
    IF so – don’t add the CSS above, make that change and let me know.


    Perfect David, you have been very kind. I solved the problem. A thousand thanks.

    Customer Support

    You’re welcome !

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