[Support request] Primary navigation layout – navigation for dummies :)

Home Forums Support [Support request] Primary navigation layout – navigation for dummies :)

Home Forums Support Primary navigation layout – navigation for dummies :)

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  • #404574

    Hey GPP Crew,

    It would be so amazing to have more customisation options for styling the layout of the Primary Navigation.
    Simple things that I need to do on most sites include:
    – Vertical centering of navigation to the right of logo
    – In the above layout, being able to move the navigation bar to be just to the right of the logo, instead of floated ALL the way to the right of the page.

    For example, on this site, http://successandwellbeing.michellec.co/ I have used CSS to move the navigation to align with the base of the logo, but I really need it to move left a lot so that it starts just to the right of the logo (instead of aligning all the way to the right).
    Can you help with this please?

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Set your navigation location to float right then add this additional CSS:

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