[Resolved] Post meta link to specific page (or URL)

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Post meta link to specific page (or URL)

Home Forums Support Post meta link to specific page (or URL)

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  • #2297842

    Do you guys know if there is a way I could link custom fields post meta to a specific page of the website? I created a book list using GenerateBlocks. I know I can link the post meta to Single Post, etc, but I was wondering if there was a way I could make each meta value link to a specific biography page for that author. For example, if I could add the link into custom fields when I edit guest-author.

    I know the simplest solution is to just manually add each author on the list with a link to their bio page, and at this point we don’t have a lot of books, so it wouldn’t be hard. But this list is repeated in a couple places in the website and we’ll grow, so I was wondering if I can automate it. Thank you.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    if i understand correctly, you would need to have a separate custom field to store the link to the author biography page. You can then have the Content source set to one Post Meta value ( eg. the author name ) and the Link Source set to custom field containing the link.

    Let me know if i have completely missed the point 🙂


    Okay, I understand now. So I just created a custom field named guest-author-link within the book page and put the relative URL there, and now it links to the author biographies. Wow, custom field with GenerateBlocks if pretty flexible. Sorry, I think I didn’t explain super clearly, but you understood right. Thanks a lot for your help.

    Customer Support

    Glad to be of help!

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