[Support request] Position Sticky Nav Logo to left, with Main logo centred

Home Forums Support [Support request] Position Sticky Nav Logo to left, with Main logo centred

Home Forums Support Position Sticky Nav Logo to left, with Main logo centred

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  • #1111010

    Hi there,

    I am wondering if it is possible to position the sticky nav logo to the left, while having the main logo positioned in the center (Above the Main Nav)
    Is there a tutorial on how to do this somewhere?

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    the sticky nav logo defaults to the left hand side.
    For the above nav logo you can set the Customizer > Layout > Header –> Alignment to centre.


    Hello and happy seasons greetings!
    Is there a particular cut off point for the logo which makes it centered?
    In this site I am working on, the logo goes to the center once it is larger than 47px wide.
    I tried adjusting the padding of the Nav Menu but that does not allow for more logo.
    Ideally I would be able to make the logo up to 120px wide without going into the center.
    Many thanks!

    Customer Support

    Seasons Greetings 🙂

    This happens because there isn’t enough room for the logo and the menu to be on the same line. Alternatives is to:

    1. Reduce the Primary Navigation > Spacing and/or typography
    2. Remove menu items

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