[Support request] Playing with the slideout menu

Home Forums Support [Support request] Playing with the slideout menu

Home Forums Support Playing with the slideout menu

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  • #430685

    I have reading the forum but what I am trying to do is a little different so I couldn´t find the answers.

    I would like to:
    – Have a primary navigation on Float right. Easy. Only for non logged in users.
    – Have a slideout navigation only for logged in users.
    I can use a plugin to hide or show the buttons and the menu dissapear, so I think I can do 1 and 2 easy.
    Now is when I get stuck.
    – Have the slideout navigation button on the left of the screen. Like this theme:
    but without the main menu on top.
    As far as I can see, the slide out button is always on the primary menu, and is always on the right or center, never on left, even if I select float left or any other options on the menu.

    Is this possible with generatepress?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    If you set your primary navigation to have no links, it should only show the slide-out toggle icon.

    Then you can use some CSS to position it to always be on the left.

    Can you set up your menu to only have the slide-out icon, and then link me to your site? I’ll help with the CSS 🙂


    That sounds great. How can I send you the credentials (as the primary menu should be only for logged in users) without making them public?


    Customer Support

    You can add in the site URL in the original topic that only myself and Tom can see

    If we need login info you can send it through Account Issue: https://generatepress.com/contact/


    Just did that.


    I am testing and I have another problem.
    If I use the secondary navigation on the right as main, it is not shown on mobile.

    So, is it possible to have the primary navigation on the float right and the “slide out” button on the left?


    Customer Support

    Can you try adding the slideout toggle in the first menu item as Tom suggested here: https://generatepress.com/forums/topic/slideout-menu-button-on-primary-and-secondary-navigation/#post-338327

    Then use this CSS:

    .slideout-toggle {
        float: left;

    Oh, that is a nice addition to the mix.
    Do you have a post about how to create the menu icon too, or do I need to use text?

    Customer Support

    Hmm try this CSS:

    .slideout-toggle a:before {
        content: "\f0c9";
        font-family: FontAwesome;
        line-height: 1em;
        width: 1.28571429em;
        text-align: center;
        display: inline-block;
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