[Resolved] Page scroll to id to highlight current element on sticky nav

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Page scroll to id to highlight current element on sticky nav

Home Forums Support Page scroll to id to highlight current element on sticky nav

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  • #423386
    scott doel

    I have created a simple one-page site with scroll to anchor links, using the full site address so it works on other pages etc. But when I am on the page with the links they are all highlighted on the menu. I searched here and found a previous discussion here but I cant get it to work using GP Hooks for the header or footer.
    Do I need to amend the code?

    I appreciate I could use page scroll to ID plugin but I really wanted to do it without adding another plugin if thats possible

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Since they all link to the home page, they use the current menu item color you have set in the Customizer.

    You can adjust the current menu item color to match the regular menu items.

    scott doel

    Doh! wish I thought of that yesterday, thanks Tom that works for me

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Awesome 🙂

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