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  • #2163032

    Hello, I’m working off the demo site, Volume.

    I’m trying to edit things to my liking. I love the look of the Page Heros that are already set up with the imported elements.
    I’ve tried to copy this page hero into new elements for archive pages, and single pages as well…

    The settings all appear to be the same.., but when I’m checking the archive pages, pages., it shows the hook under the header/menu instead of the background look like what is already set up for posts in the demo…

    How can I accomplish this same look for pages/archives?

    Example post: https://thephotomemoirs.com/hello-world/
    Sample category: https://thephotomemoirs.com/topics/uncategorized/

    You’ll likely notice what I mean with a quick look. I want the background look~

    Customer Support

    Hi Don,

    Thank you for adding screenshots, they’re genuinely helpful.

    With regards to the issue at hand, using a Header Element would be the way to achieve this.

    See: https://share.getcloudapp.com/9ZumEmWK

    I believe Volume already has a Header Element. In this case, you can try testing to modify its Display Rules as such: https://share.getcloudapp.com/yAuK2KL7

    Kindly add more location rules if you please.

    You may also create a new Header Element specifically for archives, just set it to Merge with content.

    Note that only one Header Element works per page.

    Hope this helps! Kindly let us know how it goes. 🙂


    Aha sweet! I didn’t realize it was employing the “Merge Header” thing.

    After reading this I was simply able to add the display location rules., and it worked like a charm!
    Much appreciated! 😀

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