[Support request] Page Header content area

Home Forums Support [Support request] Page Header content area

Home Forums Support Page Header content area

  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Leo.
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  • #386966

    Hi Tom. I’m using GP Header plugin to merge each page header with my site header. I also configured each page featured image so to have different header images on each page. I need as well to insert different content (via Elementor shortcodes) in each page header. But whereas GP Page Header plugin has a content area to achieve that, where and how can I do the same on each page?

    The end result would be much like this website: http://cozychicken.uk/

    Thank you.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    The page header content area accepts short code as well? Let me know if this helps.


    I know it does. But I need different header content for each page and
    if I go that way I would have to create one page header for each page and that’s not best a good practice.

    Customer Support

    Ahh unfortunately this isn’t possible currently without creating separate page headers.

    The page header content only accepts HTML and shortcode but not PHP.

    It might make it easier to use the old metabox way so you would have a page header metabox on each page? https://docs.generatepress.com/article/generate_page_header_legacy_metabox/


    Hi Leo, thanks for your reply.

    Not sure why you’re mentioning php.

    Ok… so you’re telling me the only way I can have different page header content on each page (html or shortcode) is by creating a page header for each page.

    Customer Support

    Sorry my bad.

    This should help: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/page-header-template-tags/#custom_field-name

    Let me know if you need more info 🙂

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