[Support request] Our site suffers from indexing and issues

Home Forums Support [Support request] Our site suffers from indexing and issues

Home Forums Support Our site suffers from indexing and issues

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  • #2316392

    Hi GeneratePress support team!

    I need some technical support agents to fix some GeneratePress codes on our site http://www.moneysource.info. I suggest we created account for support agents on our website so that they can fix regular code errors on our website.

    I need GeneratePress support team email.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    can you first explain what the issue is ?


    Hi David !

    Actually there’s a lot of issues!

    First, I’m not a techy at all.

    I don’t know how to fix design or code errors.

    So I’m expecting more help from you.

    Our site issues are:

    Design is not optimal and responsive for all devices. Especially when i click on one of the menu items.
    There’s a mix of interference of codes.

    2. Our website is asking for 105 http requests, how is that?

    3. Our site is not optimized for mobile friendly Google ranking feature. And it was last month.

    I would from your experience to run an extensive site audit to check if they are code or design errors. I’m sure they are.

    Please help us fix thesd issues.

    Customer Support

    1. can you link me to a specific page where you see the issue

    2. Every resource that your site loads requires a network request. That is images, stylesheeets, scripts and any other 3rd party code.
    For example:
    In your left side bar you have 14 posts.
    In your right sidebar you have 35 posts.
    Each of them request an image.
    In Total that us 49 network requests for those images.

    In addition to this you have many 3rd party advert and analytics codes, you can see them ALL here on a WebPage Test:


    3. You have a Hubspot Link in the <head> of your website. That should not be there and is breaking your sites layout. You should remove taht.

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