[Support request] Ordered list wrong numbering

Home Forums Support [Support request] Ordered list wrong numbering

Home Forums Support Ordered list wrong numbering

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  • #2007612

    Hey, Whenever I add content between two ordered lists the sl.no don’t continue from the previous one. It starts from 1, even though I assign the starting value (check screenshot) (Page link)

    I have custom CSS for styling the numbered list which is the reason behind this:

    .entry-content ol {list-style-type: none;}
    .entry-content ol {counter-reset: list-counter;}
    .entry-content ol > li::before {content: counter(list-counter);counter-increment: list-counter;float: left;width: 20px;height: 21px;line-height: 20px;text-align: center;color: #fff;background: #00b0eb;border-radius: 100%; margin-top: 9.5px;margin-left: -30px; font-weight:900;font-size: 14px;}

    Can you please modify the code so the sl.no works continuously…

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    change this line:

    .entry-content ol {
        counter-reset: list-counter;


    .entry-content {
        counter-reset: list-counter;

    Hey David, It did not work properly. Now whenever I add a new ordered list on any other section of a page, it still continues from the last sl no appeared above on the page instead of starting from 1.

    Check the updated page here

    Customer Support

    Sorry you didn’t say you wanted to maintain multiple OL counted lists.
    To do that would require you to introduce sections on the page to ‘contain’ each counted list.

    Use a GenerateBlocks Container Block, with that block selected, in Advanced > Additional CSS class(es) add: list-container

    Then change this CSS:

    .entry-content {
        counter-reset: list-counter;


    .entry-content .list-container {
        counter-reset: list-counter;

    Now anything inside that container will keep the count order.

    So simply copy and paste the Cotnainer Block and use it for each separate list you require

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