[Support request] On MOBILE: Make custom category larger so it looks like sticky scroll

Home Forums Support [Support request] On MOBILE: Make custom category larger so it looks like sticky scroll

Home Forums Support On MOBILE: Make custom category larger so it looks like sticky scroll

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  • #2305413

    On mobile, I want to make my custom category logo larger so it looks like the size of the logo on sticky scroll. I can’t use the customizer since it controls my main site logo. I don’t know CSS yet.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    you can use some CSS to resize the mobile header logo like so:

    #mobile-header .site-logo.mobile-header-logo img {
        height: 65px;

    however that will apply to all the mobile header logos.

    So how is that logo added? Is it just for that specific page ? As we need to make the CSS specific to those.


    Yes, the logo is added through Elements and snippets for one category and one page. I’d also like it to work on that Category’s post pages (Single) and for that Category’s archive. Here’s what I have:

    Elements: generate_inside_mobile_header

    nav#mobile-header.is_stuck {
        margin-top: 39px !important;
    	padding-left:  30px;
    	padding-right: 20px;
    		padding-top:  15px;
    	padding-bottom: 8px;

    Also: Elements Header

    I uploaded my category logo with “No Merge”
    Container: Contained
    Inner Container: Contained


    /*Replace site logo with category logo for page id 6619*/
    add_filter('generate_sticky_navigation_logo_output',function($output, $img_src, $image){
    	if( 6619 === get_the_ID() ){
    		$my_url = 'https://www.reachingmyworld.com/i-put-my-page-url-here';
    		$logo_src = 'https://i-put-my-logo-url-here.svg';
    		$width = '150px';
    		$height = '150px';
    		return sprintf(
    				'<div class="sticky-navigation-logo">
    					<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="home">
    						<img src="%3$s" alt="%2$s" width="%4$s" height="%5$s" />
    				get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ),
    	return $output;
    }, 10, 3);
    Customer Support

    Hi Sascha,

    You can add David’s code to your Hook Element.

    Or this if you want to add it through Additional CSS:

    .page-id-6619 #mobile-header .site-logo.mobile-header-logo img {
            height: 70px;
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