[Resolved] No Colour In Custom CSS – Can't switch Visual/HTML tabs

Home Forums Support [Resolved] No Colour In Custom CSS – Can't switch Visual/HTML tabs

Home Forums Support No Colour In Custom CSS – Can't switch Visual/HTML tabs

  • This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Mary Pearson.
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  • #305072
    Mary Pearson

    I have been having several problems with my christiangays.com website lately. The most noticeable is that I’ve lost the colour in my custom CSS files. I did a plugin test and no change, but when I change themes I get the colour back.

    I see that I posted before about losing formatting after updating and the problem was my caching plugin so I have de-activated it, but still no colour in the custom CSS.

    I also can’t switch from Visual tab to HTML tab but when I change themes I can.

    Would appreciate your help.

    Customer Support

    Hi Mary,

    I’m not sure what you meant by no color in custom CSS?

    GP wouldn’t stop your custom CSS from being read.

    I am also seeing a lot of jQuery errors on that site. Looks like a lot of it is coming from buddypress.

    Can you try deactivate all non-GP plugins?

    Let me know.

    Mary Pearson

    Hi Leo,

    I did a complete plugin test before writine, deactivated ALL plugins except GP and Simple Custom CSS. There was still no colour. What I mean by that is that on the CSS page the text is normally

    /* grey */
    .blue {
    black: 1px green solid #blue; }

    but with GP theme it is all black now.

    You have given me a clue though by saying that you see lots of jquery errors. I recently compressed some files. I’ll bet that’s the origin of the problem. I will see what I can find out. Thank you.

    Customer Support

    Any reason you are not using the Editor or GP’s color add-on to change the text color?

    That CSS above also doesn’t really make any sense so I don’t think it should work in the first place?

    Mary Pearson

    I was just trying to give you an example since I can’t see how to send a screenshot. What I mean is that the

    information between the /* */ tags is gray

    the selectors are blue, example .main-title or .inside-navigation

    the items like border, margin, padding, etc are black.

    px is in green such as 1px

    colours are in blue such as #000099


    So until now I have had these items in colour but now they are black.

    Customer Support

    Like in the in the plugin itself?

    Sounds like there is a syntax error somewhere.

    Mary Pearson

    Yes, like when I enter Custom CSS in the back end of the website, the colours are no longer there, but I think you have already given me the answer.

    I think it must be from me minifying some of the javascript files. I just haven’t had time to find out which ones yet, but that’s what I’m going to work on now. I will leave the ticket open until I can let you know if/when I find out what the problem is.

    Thank you Leo!

    Mary Pearson

    OK it took some looking but Leo, it was you who gave me guidance of what to look for. I had added the following to my functions.php file.

    /*function to add async to all scripts*/
    function js_async_attr($tag){

    # Do not add async to these scripts
    $scripts_to_exclude = array(‘https://christiangays.com/mary-content/themes/generatepress_child/js/fish.js’);

    foreach($scripts_to_exclude as $exclude_script){
    if(true == strpos($tag, $exclude_script ) )
    return $tag;

    # Add async to all remaining scripts
    return str_replace( ‘ src’, ‘ async=”async” src’, $tag );
    add_filter( ‘script_loader_tag’, ‘js_async_attr’, 10 );

    When I removed it, voila, the website was back to normal. Can you see my coding error in it? I just copied and pasted from something I found online. I don’t really know what I’m doing.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I don’t see anything wrong really, but it doesn’t look like it should be necessary either.

    Mary Pearson

    Thanks Tom. I was just trying to speed up my website.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Removing query strings will help your page speed rankings, but won’t actually improve page speed much 🙂

    Mary Pearson

    Thank you Tom!

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