[Resolved] Move "cancel reply"

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Move "cancel reply"

Home Forums Support Move "cancel reply"

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  • #843782

    Hi support team,

    I have a question about the comment section.

    Is it possible to move the “cancel reply” link next to the “post comment” button, and make it appear like a button?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Been playing with this, but I can’t get it figured out.

    I found how to add it after the button in the HTML:

    add_filter( 'comment_form_submit_field', function( $button ) {
    	return $button . get_cancel_comment_reply_link();
    } );

    However, it never displays when you click the Reply link. I assume it’s because the JS they use only targets the first link.

    I tried to disable the first link, but it looks like it’s hard-coded into WordPress: https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress/blob/5.1.1/wp-includes/comment-template.php#L2377

    It might be worth asking over on something like wordpress.stackexchange.com. I might be overlooking something.


    Hi Tom,

    I did some searching which lead tot this post which you may find interesting.

    I will try to implement it and report back here.

    Thanks for your time!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    jQuery is definitely one method that should work. Let me know how it goes πŸ™‚



    Well, that works as intended although it puts the “cancel reply” link next to the “reply” link instead of next to the “post comment” button.

    Any thoughts on this?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Try this instead:

    jQuery( function( $ ){
        $( '.comment-reply-link', '.comment-body' ).on( 'click', function(){
            $( '#cancel-comment-reply-link' ).insertAfter( '.form-submit' ).addClass( 'button' ).show();
        } );
        $( '#cancel-comment-reply-link' ).on( 'click', function(){
            $( this ).hide();
        } );
    } );


    Your code works.
    I can position it with CSS or is there a better solution?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Looks like you did it! Looks great πŸ™‚


    Yep, thanks for your help Tom.

    Have a nice day!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Thanks! You too πŸ™‚

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