[Resolved] Mobile font

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Mobile font

Home Forums Support Mobile font

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  • #2331486

    I have the following problem. The continuous text is displayed in different sizes in Chrome browser. (Look at image: Correct above, incorrect below) Both body texts (p) are completely identical in style and the view is only different in the Chrome browser. How can that be?

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    can you share a link to that page so i can take a look ?

    Customer Support

    Is it on any particular device you see the issue ?


    Sorry. Yes. With Android. And I have personally a samsung A51.

    Customer Support

    Hi Nadine,

    It looks normal on my iPhone using the Chrome browser. Sorry, I don’t have an Android device to test.

    Did you change the font size on your device or your mobile browser for accessibility purposes?

    Let me know!


    no, I didn’t change the font size at my mobil browser.
    And if it does, that should apply to all body text, or? What I noticed, that the body text is smaller if it is placed in a container with a grid. If the body text is positioned without a grid, then it is normal… could it be that the Chrome browser with Android interprets it differently? Not really, or?

    Customer Support

    Yes, theres been a few reports of Android devices browsers messing with font sizes. Particularly it seems on Samsung devices. One user said this occurs when they adjust the Text Size or Zoom in the device settings. ie. it doesn’t adjust content nested inside containers ( such as Grids ). Can you check that ?


    Many thanks for the help. I found the hidden setting with zoom. I would never have thought of that. Thanks a lot.

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