[Support request] Middle menu items not clickable

Home Forums Support [Support request] Middle menu items not clickable

Home Forums Support Middle menu items not clickable

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  • #429744

    I have a strange problem. I have a menu with 8 items. The two on the left and the three on the right are working properly, i.e. they are clickable and the hover color shows up when I place the cursor over them.
    However the three menu items in the middle are not working. I checked the settings, everything seems fine to me. I made a quick video to show you what the issue is:

    I have checked it in Chrome and Opera browsers with the same results. Can you see why this is happening?

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    They are blocked by the Elementor content which has -37px margin set: http://www.screencast.com/t/2YonODonoKN

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