[Resolved] Merge header issue with header widgets.

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Merge header issue with header widgets.

Home Forums Support Merge header issue with header widgets.

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  • #384073
    Paco Chorobo


    After reading the documentation about merge header I was able to merge the header in my website http://www.chorobo.com but when I switch to a diferent language, then a small white bar appears above the content and only the navigation menu is merged, but not the widget area in the header.

    http://www.chorobo.com/es -> This is shown correctly

    http://www.chorobo.com/en -> A small white bar appears

    After reading several forum topics I tried “full screen” and other options like global locations, padding inside my Site Origin elements in both pages but nothing did the desired effect. I am pretty sure this is my error but I am not able to find it after several hours. Any help would really be appreciated!!

    Best regards,

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Try this CSS:

    .entry-content {
        margin: 0;

    Adding CSS: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/adding-css/

    Paco Chorobo


    Thanks Leo, it was a great answer. It is working perfectly. I am curious about the reason why it needs CSS in other languages. Any clue?

    Thanks a lot for your support. Best regards from Spain!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    From what I can see, that CSS shouldn’t be necessary. Can you remove it and let me know so I can see the original issue?

    Paco Chorobo

    Hi Tom, thanks for your time also.

    I removed the CSS this morning and placed the menu above the header. I also followed your suggestion about placing the social icons on the top bar. It looks better now, and the “merge header” effect is the same for all languages.

    In the rest of pages I still see a “white bar” that is the header, although I didn’t set that header in that specific pages. Just in case it is useful for you, I changed temporarily the body colour to #222222. It is not a big problem because I can always use the “remove items” tag and tick the header options. Just curious about this white bar…

    Example of white bar -> http://chorobo.com/contact_en/

    Best regards and thanks a million for your support!

    Customer Support

    The white bar on that page is actually from the header. Not the one we fixed before.

    You can remove it by setting the header padding to 0: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/header-padding/

    Paco Chorobo

    Thanks a lot Leo, another great answer. I will try the padding, one more thing I learnt today! Thank you guys for the excellent support.

    Your first suggestion worked like a charm, then I changed the primary navigation position to “above the header” and it did the same effect without using CSS. So I learnt double! 😀 Thank you!

    Totally in love with this theme. If there is anything I can do to promote from my website, just let me know.

    Best regards from Spain!

    Customer Support

    Ahh I see. Glad we’ve been helpful!

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