[Support request] Menu suddenly not Click able on Mobile devices

Home Forums Support [Support request] Menu suddenly not Click able on Mobile devices

Home Forums Support Menu suddenly not Click able on Mobile devices

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    Recently it happens on my website, I do not make changes, the Menu suddenly not clickable on Mobile, I add a search bar in the menu and it is also not working, even these both were not clickable. How could I fix this?

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    can you share a link to a page where i can see the issue ?


    here is my site’s link https://www.apkfile.org/ try to click on the menu and search.

    Customer Support

    Can you disable your cache plugin so we can check the site.


    Hi, David sir, It looks like has conflicts with widgets on the footer, then the menu and search bars stops working. I try me myself deactivate the cache plugin has the same results.. I just remove the Footer widgets then it starts working.

    Customer Support

    This would mean that the Widget is executing Javascript, before the GP JS is being loaded. And for whatever reason the Widget JS is broken. Which will break any other JS files that are requested after it.

    The first place to start is to disable the Cache plugin, and clear any other caches. As you may find the cache has messed up the JS loading. If its not the cache causing the issue then you will need to find out what is wrong with that widget.

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