[Support request] manually optimize gp

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    Hi guys, i intend to do this.

    combine all the css into one file and delete the ref for other css.
    where can i do this ? snippets ? child theme ?

    there is 10+ css loaded in the front end . i choose all option except woocommerce for my GP Premium,
    i am aware of the autooptimize, and cache plugins, im using both .

    any help appreciated.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Autoptimize should do exactly that for you. We have recommended settings in this article: https://generatepress.com/fastest-wordpress-theme/

    Is that not working for you?


    HI tom, i intend to use less plugin and manually minify and reduce number of css files ref if possible. able to achieve so many till now. its amazing how when you take things on your hand try to take control . cheers

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Manually minifying the GP files would involve creating your own CSS/JS, then dequeuing the ones added by the theme.


    yes. this is what i am looking for. could you guide along pls.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Which files have you manually combined?

    If you let me know which files, I can write the code to disable GP from loading those files.

    A big issue with doing this is you won’t receive code updates to those files, which could cause errors in future updates.

    For example, if I change code in navigation-search.min.js and you’re using the old code, it could break your site javascript.

    That’s why solutions like Autoptimize are awesome – they update it for you.


    Hi tom. sorry missed this.

    i have manually combine style.min.css ,mobile.min.css ,

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    While it’s possible to remove the style.min.css file, it will likely break your website, as tons of the dynamic CSS depends on that file existing.

    If you want to do it anyways, you can do this:

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function() {
        wp_deregister_script( 'generate-style' );
    }, 50 );

    The benefits of combining those two files definitely don’t outweigh the negatives of doing this.


    Hi tom.

    i have some workaround for all this.
    i have simple CSS and js pro in my site.

    what I could do is dequeue all GP scripts and CSS and put it as inline CSS in the plugins.

    will that help to improve optimizations?

    my site is very complicated and cant use those minifying plugins. still trying ..Thanks

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    It will likely make very little difference. GP itself has a very small footprint when it comes to page size.

    You’re not able to use something like Autoptimize?: https://generatepress.com/fastest-wordpress-theme/


    Yes , i cant . many conflicts.

    small sizes yes. but the request are still more then 10 ?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    GP shouldn’t have that many requests? Are you going to optimize all of your plugins like this as well? I can’t help but think it would be easier to figure out why plugins like Autoptimize are conflicting, instead of trying to deconstruct themes/plugins.

    What kind of conflicts are you running into?


    i am on toolset, autoptimize is a no-no there 🙁

    so, i cant touch toolset, i was thinking to improve on other plugins and themes that have many request on css and js. is there any way to merge generate press css and style only manually ? will the inclusion rules works?

    i am now dropping autoptimize as it doesnt have finer control.


    using swift performance plugins now.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I believe Swift should combine and minimize your files. Is it working for you?

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