[Support request] Logo Issue

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Home Forums Support Logo Issue

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    So my logo on mobile is showing the text title and not the logo itself. Please see here, comparing desktop (what it should show) and mobile (what it does show): https://wordpress-623989-2736800.cloudwaysapps.com/

    Note: I cleared my browsing history on mobile to see if that would make it update, but it hasn’t. But then I noticed that even on preview when editing – it shows that the text title is there instead of the logo, even though “Hide site title” is ticked so it shouldn’t do.

    What can I do to get the logo showing up on mobile too please?

    Also – on desktop, is there a way to set a light and dark logo? As the logo is pulling from the “site identity” and it works when on a white background – on any of the page, pages, but on the homepage, it’s a dark background so needs a light logo but I can’t see where to change it just for that.

    Let me know!


    Customer Support

    Hi Ella,

    Can you make sure the Logo option is selected under Branding Type of the mobile header options in the customizer?

    Let me know 🙂


    Great, thank you. That’s worked for all pages except homepage (it seems)… although the preview has now updated on preview too. I cleared my website data so maybe there’s just a slight delay. Is there any chance you could check your end too please? This is the link again: https://wordpress-623989-2736800.cloudwaysapps.com/

    What can I do to fix the colour issue as well please?


    Customer Support

    Hi Ella,

    This is what I see on mobile: https://share.getcloudapp.com/2NumNmdg

    With regards to the other issue, you can try creating a Header Element, and set it to display in your Front Page, and then change the site logo there.


    Perfect! It’s updated my end now too so must have just been a slight delay!

    How would I do this in a way that it replicates exactly how it looks on there now? As it changes the header titles to white and the background is like, partially transparent.


    Customer Support

    How are you setting up the Header Element? Can you try setting the logo and I’ll check from my end what it looks like.

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