[Support request] Logo doesn't update after changing the Site URL

Home Forums Support [Support request] Logo doesn't update after changing the Site URL

Home Forums Support Logo doesn't update after changing the Site URL

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    I wanted to move my site from one subdomain (blog.site.com) to another one (new.site.com). Made the changes in the database and it shows up on the Settings > General screen. Also the site is accessible.

    There was a problem with the images: at first the background image for the header/footer was not showing, but I was able to set it again using the Customizer option. For some reason this removed the Logo from the header. When I inspect the element in the browser, it still has the old subdomain in the link (blog.site.com/image). I tried a few things on the Site Identity screen:
    – removed the logo, saved it, added it back in
    – deleted the image permanently, added it back in
    The old subdomain is still showing up. My guess is the subdomain for the logo/customizer/theme is stored somewhere in the database and didn’t get updated.

    Is there an easy way to fix this? Any best practices for migrating the site from 1 subdomain to another one? (will have to do it again in a few days).

    Thank you,

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    You can use a plugin like this to update any old URLs in the database: https://en-ca.wordpress.org/plugins/velvet-blues-update-urls/

    I usually use something like Duplicator or All in One Migration when doing migrations, as they handle all of the URL changing for you.

    Let me know if you need more info 🙂

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