[Support request] list of posts by categories

Home Forums Support [Support request] list of posts by categories

Home Forums Support list of posts by categories

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  • #1179507


    I need help.

    In the list of posts by categories, I need to group two contents:

    1) list all posts in the selected category only. I cannot show posts from the child categories.

    2) list the child categories in the same list.

    3) sort the list of posts and categories alphabetically together.

    Category 1
    -Category child 1
    –Category grandchild 1

    When entering category 1, you must bring:

    – content (linked in category 1)
    – Child category 2

    Can you give me some light on how to do this?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Changing the default query to do something like this would be quite difficult.

    Have you looked into using a plugin like WP Show Posts?: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-show-posts/

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