Hope you are doing well.
I got a few problems that needs to be fixed. I have been working on these problems for months, but to no avail. The first one is LCP element. No matter what size image I use nothing works. I need to know what size I need to use or what is causing the problem. ( https://pagespeed.web.dev/report?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmobileshalom.com%2F&form_factor=desktop ) Problem 2: mobile; (Shalom is what God declared. Shalom is what the Kingdom of God looks like. Shal…<p>) , LCP element. As shown in screenshot the paragraph subject is a paragraph. ( https://pagespeed.web.dev/report?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmobileshalom.com%2F&form_factor=mobile ) I need to know what is causing this problem. You can see this first paragraph home page, https://mobileshalom.com I have to make a decision today whether I renew with GP or not. I would appreciate it deeply if you would help solve these problems. Will not let me send any screenshots.
Calvin Mockbee
Let’s keep on discussing the topic here instead of in private email 🙂
Yes, I can see that an element is indicated, that’s normal, as there will always be at least 1 element indicated, no matter whether the site has LCP issue or not.
As long as the scores are green, the performance is good.
Hii Ying:
I guess ok will do but rather have it fixed.
Can you tell me how to Reduce initial server response time. I believe it should be down to about under 1 sec. Mine is 1.08 in the red.
Calvin Mockbee
The server response time is greatly dependent on your server. It would be best to reach out to your server/hosting provider regarding this. You may need to upgrade your server.