[Support request] Javascript Errors

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  • #405947

    Hello. After installing a plugin called “Formidable Geolocation” from GEOmyWP, the menus on my site no longer worked correctly on the page where the plugin is active (it’s a third party Google Maps plugin for Formidable Forms). When you hover over a menu item and then move to another, the previous menu item does not close; all menu items that were hovered over remain open. I activated theme Twenty Sixteen and Twenty Seventeen and did not have any menu issues. When I checked for errors while GP was active, this is what I found:

    TypeError: this.filter(…).css(…).show(…).end is not a function[Learn More] jquery.js:4:6296

    Can you give me any advice on how to fix this?
    Thank You!

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Any chance you can unlock or provide the login so we can view the site?

    You can send it through Account Issue: https://generatepress.com/contact/

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hmm, very strange.

    The next version of GP actually re-writes all of the JS. Would you be interested in trying the beta?


    Yes, we would be interested. How do we get a copy?

    Thank You
    Eric & Angela

    Customer Support

    You can get it by using this snippet: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/beta-testing/


    Thank you. Where does it get added? Or does it replace existing code? I tried adding it to the functions.php file at the end and got a white screen for my site – had to restore the original copy of the file.

    Customer Support

    One of these methods here: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/adding-php/

    Code Snippet is the easiest and safest.


    I installed Code Snippet and added the code, but the beta version does not appear in the updates area. I’ve even waited a full 24 hours, and other updates are coming through fine. Any ideas on what the problem might be? Thank You

    Customer Support

    Hmm that’s weird. Is the actual snippet activated?


    Yes, the snippet was activated.

    Snippet Code:
    add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’,’tu_beta_tester’ );
    function tu_beta_tester() {
    add_filter( ‘generate_premium_beta_tester’,’__return_true’ );

    Scope = run snippet everywhere

    I also deactivated my firewall plugin to see if that helped; no change. I’m not actually getting any errors in the firewall plugin (Wordfence), but thought it was worth a shot.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    That beta doesn’t contain the new JS, so it won’t fix this issue. That being said, I am interested why the update isn’t showing up. Can you send me temporary admin login details possibly?: https://generatepress.com/contact

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