[Resolved] Is There A Way To Export Just Primary Menu?

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Is There A Way To Export Just Primary Menu?

Home Forums Support Is There A Way To Export Just Primary Menu?

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  • #394491
    Mary Pearson

    I have been using Multisite Shared Menu plugin, but it is no longer being supported so I want to stop using it.

    All of my sub-domains use the same Primary Menu but have different Secondary Menus. I have about 30 items in the Primary Menu including logged out and logged in items, so I hate to have to manually re-create each one for 8 sub-domains.

    Is there a way to export ONLY the Primary Menu items from my main site, so that I can import them to all of my sub-domains?

    I have found ways of exporting menus but nothing that allows me to select only the Primary Menu.

    Site is https://christiangays.com

    Customer Support
    Mary Pearson

    Thanks Leo. It doesn’t really help me. I did learn that they are in posts and not options, which I must admit is where I first looked, but not sure what to do with it.

    I did a search for “Primary” and also for “Menu” but couldn’t find anything relevant.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer
    Mary Pearson

    No, I already tried that one before I wrote. It includes all secondary menu items from all sub-domains. There is no option to choose.

    I need some way of just exporting primary menu items.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hmm, I don’t think a plugin that specific would exist. You would likely need to get a custom solution written for you.

    Mary Pearson

    Thank you for letting me know Tom. In that case I will just do them manually. Just wanted to check first if there was an easier solution.

    Thanks for the help.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    No problem 🙂

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